- Nothing could sate the careerist's greed for power.
什么也满足不了这个野心家的权力欲。 - She sated with sleep.
Multi-Frame Motion-Com-pensated Prediction for Video Transmission
Nitrosated and nitrosylated phosphodiesterase inhibitors, compositions and methods of use
Nitrosated peptides and polyamines as endogenous mutagens in O6-alkylguanine-DNA alkyltransferase deficient cells.
Diazepam-induced eating and lever pressing for food in sated rats
Evidence of NPY Y5 receptor involvement in food intake elicited by orexin A in sated rats
Capillary zone electrophoretic detection of biological thiols and their S-nitrosated derivatives
L-frames with both filtered and unfilterd regions for motion comensated temporal filtering in wavelet based coding
Capillary zone electrophoretic detection of biological thiols and their S-nitrosated and oxidized derivatives
Evidence that NPY Y1 receptors are involved in stimulation of feeding by orexins (hypocretins) in sated rats.
Medial Prefrontal Cortex Is Necessary for an Appetitive Contextual Conditioned Stimulus to Promote Eating in Sated Rats