Sexual Size Dimorphism in Relation to Fecundity in Some Swedish Satyrid ButterfliesEgg Size Variation in Satyrid Butterflies: ...IN SITU DEVELOPMENT OF A SATYRID BUTTERFLY ON CALCAREOUS GRASSLAND EXPOSED TO ELEVATED CARBON DIOXIDEFactors Affecting the Distribution of Satyrid Butterflies on Arable FarmlandEgg weight variation in relation to egg mortality and starvation endurance of newly hatched larvae in some satyrid butterflies.Studies on the systematics and biogeography of some Montane Satyrid butterflies (Lepidoptera)Studies on the systematics and biogeography of some Montane Satyrid butterflies (Lepidoptera)Habitats and movement patterns of satyrid butterflies (Lepidoptera: Satyridae) on arable farmlandHABITAT SELECTION AND COMPETITION AMONG SIBLING SPECIES OF SATYRID BUTTERFLIES.Spectral characteristics and regionalization of the eye of the satyrid Bicyclus anynana