Revision of sauries (Pisces, Scomberesocidae) with description of two new genera and one new speciesFamily Scomberesocidae Müller 1843 sauriesSTUDIES ON THE BLUE GREEN PIGMENTS OF THE INTEGUMENTS OF FISHES (1) THE ISOLATION OF ICHTHYOVERDIN FROM THE SCALES OF SAURIES, COLOL...Scomberesocidae: sauriesRelationships of sauries and needlefishes (Teleostei: Scomberesocoidea) to the internally fertilizing halfbeaks (Zenarchopteridae) b...Nominal catches, by species, by fishing areas and by countries: table B 3-4: jacks, mullets, sauries, etc.Relation of the migration of Pacific sauries to oceanic fronts in the Northwest Pacific OceanDependence of migration and catch of Pacific saury upon thermal conditionsDevelopment of a radio frequency heating system for sterilization of vacuum-packed fish in water沖縄の人々はサンマ・サケをどう受け入れてきたか?: 食材の普及, 流通, 消費にみられる地域性