SawteethThe m=1 convection cell and sawteeth in tokamaksStabilization of sawteeth with additional heating in the JET tokamak.Stabilization of sawteeth by lower hybrid waves in the Alcator C tokamakSawteeth, magnetic disturbances, and magnetic flux regeneration in the reversed-field pinchSawteeth, magnetic disturbances, and magnetic flux regeneration in the reversed鈥恌ield pinchOff-Axis Sawteeth and Double-Tearing Reconnectionin Reversed Magnetic Shear Plasmas in TFTR.The fast crash of the central temperature during sawteeth in tokamaksDestabilization of fast-ion-induced long sawteeth by localized current drive in the JET tokamak.Ion cyclotron range of frequencies stabilization of sawteeth on Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor