- Scalding tears poured down her face.
滚烫的泪水从她脸上扑簌簌地流下来。 - Scalding molten steel is in the crude iron ladle.
Scalding apparatus
Method and system for scalding slaughtered poultry
An extraordinary cause of scalding injury in childhood.
Apparatus for positive, low-cost scalding prevention for hot water heaters
Bacterial contamination of broiler chickens before scalding.
Electron microscopic alterations in the rat hypophysis after scalding
Effect of delay between slaughter and rescalding on the susceptibility of chicken skin to the overscalded condition
Permeability of Thermally Damaged Skin: I. Immediate Influences of 60°C Scalding on Hairless Mouse Skin
Campylobacter recovery from external and internal organs of commercial broiler carcass prior to scalding
Survival and death of Salmonella typhimurium and Campylobacter jejuni in processing water and on chicken skin during poultry scaldin...