scapularyscapularyOrthopaedic shoulder brace having adjustable pelvic, scapulary, and arm supports[Familial pelvi-scapulary dysplasia with anomalies of the epiphyses, dwarfism and dysmorphy: a new syndrome? (author's transl)]One Case of Autopsy of Scapulary Chondrosarcoma having a Unusual ProcessCritical analysis of the supraspinatus outlet view: rationale for a standard scapular Y-viewAre postreduction anteroposterior and scapular Y views useful in anterior shoulder dislocations?CRITERIOS DE HOMOLOGACION ENTRE LAS CINTURAS ESCAPULAR Y PELVICA Y SUS ESTRUCTURAS ASOCIADAS HOMOLOGATION CRITERION BETWEEN THE SCAP...Estudo anatômico da abordagem posterior sub-escapular do plexo braquial; Anatomic's study posterior subscapulary approach of the br...Landmarks for lateral scapula and scapular Y positioning.