- Oh, yes, science fiction is also largely read.
哦,是的,科幻小说也很受青睐。 - He loves science fiction in particular.
Optical quantum computing: Science-fiction, horror-story or news
From Science Fiction to Science Fact
Terminal Identity: The Virtual Subject in PostModern Science Fiction
Nanotechnology: The Stuff of Science Fiction or Science Fact?.
Sense of community in science fiction fandom, Part 1: Understanding sense of community in an international community of interest
Science fiction audiences: watching Doctor Who and Star Trek.
Chronic cerebrospinal venous insufficiency and multiple sclerosis: science or science fiction?
Towards the synthetic all-optical computer: science fiction or reality?
Scraps of the Untainted Sky: Science Fiction, Utopia, Dystopia
Sense of community in science fiction fandom, Part 2: Comparing neighborhood and interest group sense of community