- Sclerenchyma cells are a more common type of supporting cell.
Intrusive growth of sclerenchyma fibersIsolation of Parenchyma and Sclerenchyma Cell Types from the Plant Parts of GrassesHistochemistry of Lignin Deposition during Sclerenchyma Differentiation in Alfalfa StemsFixation of Senescing Plant Tissues: Sclerenchymatous Fibre Cells From the Flowering Stem of A GrassCharacterisation of Lignin from Parenchyma and Sclerenchyma Cell Walls of the Maize InternodeChemical Composition of Parenchyma and Sclerenchyma Cell Walls Isolated from Orchardgrass and SwitchgrassTHE COMPARATIVE MORPHOLOGY OF THE WINTERACEAE: V. FOLIAR EPIDERMIS AND SCLERENCHYMAArabidopsis VILLIN2 and VILLIN3 act redundantly in sclerenchyma development via bundling of actin filaments.Rice BRITTLE CULM 5 (BRITTLE NODE) is involved in secondary cell wall formation in the sclerenchyma tissue of nodes.In-vitro disappearance of carbohydrates, phenolic acids, and lignin from parenchyma and sclerenchyma cell walls isolated from cocksf...