Scoria cones and tuff rings
Computer-simulation models of scoria cone degradation
Rothenberg scoria cone, East Eifel: a complex Strombolian and phreatomagmatic volcano
The effect of crushed basalt scoria on the cation exchange properties of a highly weathered soil.
High-strength lightweight concrete made with scoria aggregate containing mineral admixtures
Morphometry of scoria cones located on a volcano flank: A case study from Mt. Etna (Italy), based on high-resolution LiDAR data
The structure of basaltic scoria and reticulite and inferences for vesiculation, foam formation, and fragmentation in lava fountains
Shallow plumbing systems for small-volume basaltic volcanoes, 2: Evidence from crustal xenoliths at scoria cones and maars
Coupled textural and compositional characterization of basaltic scoria: Insights into the transition from Strombolian to fire founta...
Removal of divalent heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn) and arsenic(III) from aqueous solutions using scoria: kinetics and equilibria ...