Reading With a Macular ScotomaResidual vision in a scotoma: Implications for blindsightReading with a macular scotoma. II. Retinal locus for scanning text.Reading with a macular scotoma. I. Retinal location of scotoma and fixation area.Visual field recovery from scotoma in patients with postgeniculate damage. A review of 55 cases.Scotoma size and reading speed in patients with subfoveal occult choroidal neovascularization in age-related macular degenerationIs there a systematic location for the pseudo-fovea in patients with central scotoma?[Typical slit-like retinal nerve fiber layer defect and corresponding scotoma (author's transl)].Responses of cells in monkey visual cortex during perceptual filling-in of anartificial scotomaPatients with AMD and a large absolute central scotoma can be trained successfully to use eccentric viewing, as demonstrated in a sc...