- The scoundrel was arrested and put into prison.
这个恶棍被逮捕并被投进了监狱。 - I repent having been so generous to that scoundrel.
Lionel Stander
The Campbell Trilogy 3-Book Bundle: Highland Warrior, Highland Outlaw, Highland Scoundrel
The Last Refuge of a Scoundrel?
The last refuge of a scoundrel: patriotism, militarism and the Russian national idea
Apollonius' Jason: Hero and Scoundrel
Refuge of a Scoundrel: The Patriot Act in Libraries by Herbert N. Foerstel
The new scoundrel on the schoolyard: Contributions of Machiavellianism to the understanding of youth aggression.
The Last Refuge of a Scoundrel: Sir Richard Greville and Cornish Particularism, 1644–6
The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ