ScourerPot-scourer pleurodesis for pneumothoraxSCOURER ASSEMBLY AND CORRESPONDING PROCESS AND APPARATUSDesign Brief of FDMW40×100 Wheat ScourerRecycling of Scourer Compounds from Paint Residue of Automobile Industriespractical dry cleaner, scourer and garment dyer, comprising dry, chemical or French cleaning[A new wheat cleaning machine: the vertical scourer PVK Ocrim]. [Italian]SMAW WELDING PROCESS WITH ROTOR AND BEATER SCOURER IN PT.ISM.BOGASARI FLOUR MILLS.APPLICATION OF THE SCOURER OR LUFFA CYLINDRICA UNDER NATURAL, RIGID AND FLEXIBLE RESIN TO OBTAIN A NATURAL COMPOSITE MATERIALDevice for manual operation of a flush-mounted WC cistern, flush-mounted scourer or flush-mounted valve