- Alan's always getting scragged at school.
On the measurement of residual shear stress in scragged torsion bars'Scragged by embryo-Leavises': Larkin reading his poemsA Bitter Battle; HEADING FOR A FALL: Accies Captain Dan Teague Is Scragged by a Heriots Tackler during Yesterdays Derby DrawSimplified analysis of a low-rise building seismically isolated with s...Prosthetic device for sustaining a blood-vessel or hollow organ lumenA PROSTHETIC DEVICE FOR SUSTAINING A BLOOD-VESSEL OR HOLLOW ORGAN LUMENA WALKING AIDIMPROVED DOOR FRAME STRUCTUREStress softening behaviour of HDNR bearings: modelling and influence on the seismic response of isolated structuresAdmiral Guinea - ACT IV _ SCENE I TO SCENE IV