The persistence of shame following sexual abuse: a longitudinal look at risk and recovery.Bed Sharing and the Risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome: Can We Resolve the Debate?The Role of Vitamin D in Blood Pressure, Endothelial and Renal Function in Postmenopausal WomenCalcium Regulation and Bone Mineral Metabolism in Elderly Patients with Chronic Kidney DiseaseExercise and smoking habits among Swedish postmenopausal womenProcess for scaled-up production of recombinant proteins using transgenic plant suspension culturesTransport Biofuels: Their Characteristics, Production and CostsPseudo-Archaic English: The Modern Perception and Interpretation of the Linguistic Past藻類生長的影響因子-以豬場廢水培養液為例靈菌表面移行行為之調控及其與宿主間之交互關係:-SspA, 新的脂蛋白調控靈菌表面移行系統-2,3-butanediol緩解大鼠模式中脂多醣誘發之急性發炎...