The effect of some Mediterranean scrubland frugivores upon germination patterns.Seasonal changes of the infiltration rates in a Mediterranean scrubland on limestoneSpecies richness and composition assessment of spiders in a Mediterranean scrubland.Traditional management of scrubland for the conservation of rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus and their predators in Donana National Par...Traditional management of scrubland for the conservation of rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus and their predators in Doñana National P...Changes in overland flow and infiltration after a rangeland fire in a Mediterranean scrublandDiet, fruit choice and variation in body condition of frugivorous warblers in Mediterranean scrublandAggregate stability against water forces under different climates on agriculture land and scrubland in southern Bolivia.Temporal and Spatial Variation in the Diet of the Endemic Lizard Gallotia galloti in an Insular Mediterranean ScrublandChanges in the Microbial Biomass and Metabolic Quotient During Leaf Litter Succession in Some New Zealand Forest and Scrubland Ecosy...