- He took an animal by the scruff of the neck.
他抓住一动物的颈背。 - The cat picked up the kitten by the scruff of its neck.
大猫叼著小猫的颈背。 - She grab me by the scruff of my neck and throw me out.
AFIA program to promote food safety, feed quality
Ear and scruff protective cover used in the process of hair dyeing
Locating the "Scruff Guy": Theorizing body and space in gay geosocial media
Mystics, Neats and Scruffies: Informing Professional Practice in Educational Administration
Suppression of wet-dog shakes by tail and scruff-pinch
Apparatus for the reclaiming and refining of white metals from dross, skimmings, and scruff
Ice scruffer
Grindr, Scruff, and on the Hunt: Predictors of Condomless Anal Sex, Internet Use, and Mobile Application Use Among Men Who Have Sex ...
“The Dirty Scruff”: Relief and the Production of the Unemployed in Depression‐era British Columbia
The Research on Positive and Athwart Solution about Kinematics of Seven FreedomDegrees Scruff Elimination Robot