- She cut the hair close to the nape of the neck.
她把头发剪到接近颈部。 - He kissed her on the nape of her neck.
Methodological pitfalls in early detection studies - the NAPE Lecture 2002. Nordic Association for Psychiatric Epidemiology.
Myths and plain truths about schizophrenia epidemiology – the NAPE lecture 2004
Psychiatric epidemiology of old age: the H70 study--the NAPE lecture 2003.
Localization of N-acyl phosphatidylethanolamine phospholipase D (NAPE-PLD) expression in mouse brain: A new perspective on N-acyleth...
123I-Metaiodobenzylguanidine uptake in the nape of the neck of children: likely visualization of brown adipose tissue.
Nape strap
Nape strap
Meta-analysis of Clinical Efficacy of Acupoint Injection for Nape-back Fasciitis
Evidence that DNA-A of a geminivirus associated with severe cassava mosaic disease in Uganda has arisen by interspecific recombinati...
Recombination, pseudorecombination and synergism of geminiviruses are determinant keys to the epidemic of severe cassava mosaic dise...