- In this sense, the seducer himself is perverse.
这样,诱惑者是不合情理的。 - The seducer of knowledge collects knowledge from others and then applies it to their preoccupations or writing.
知识的诱惑者从别人那里收集知识,然后将其用于自身的兴趣或写作之中。 - If seduction had an OBJECTive, then the seducer would be its ideal figure.
The Seducer's Diary
The seducer's diary
The Seducer's Diary:
The great seducer
Diary of a seducer.
Smell: The Secret Seducer
Smell : the secret seducer
Isak Dinesen : the life and imagination of a seducer
The Seducer as Friend: The Disappearance of Sex as a Sign of Conquest in Les liaisons dangereuses
The Origin of Unamuno'sMist: Unamuno's Copy of Kierkegaard'sDiary of the Seducer