- She uses her physical attractiveness to seduce an assortment of males.
她利用自己极富魅力的肉体引诱各式各样的男性。 - The warm weather seduced me away from my studies.
暖和的天气诱使我放下了学习。 - He was seduced into leaving the company by the offer of higher pay elsewhere.
其他地方更优厚的薪金待遇诱使他离开了公司。 - He was seduced from his duty.
他受怂恿而怠忽职守。 - He's trying to seduce his secretary.
Designing to Seduce the User
Designing to seduce the user
How entrepreneurs seduce business angels: An impression management approach
Adoption of High Impact Governmental eServices: Seduce or Enforce?
Adoption of High Impact Governmental eServices: Seduce or Enforce?
Adoption of High Impact Governmental eServices: Seduce or Enforce?
Government Multichannel Marketing: How to Seduce Citizens to the Web Channels?
Government Multichannel Marketing: How to Seduce Citizens to the Web Channels?
Fantasies about work as limitless potential – how managers and employees seduce each other through dynamics of mutual recognition
Pheromones and analogs from Neozeleboria wasps and the orchids that seduce them: a versatile synthesis of 2,5-dialkylated 1,3-cyclo...