- He's a man with selfhood who doesn't consider others.
Technology, selfhood and physical disability
Selfhood at risk: Postmodern perils and the perils of postmodernism.
Confucian thought : selfhood as creative transformation
Embodied selfhood in Alzheimer's disease Rethinking person-centred care
Tacit knowledge of caring and embodied selfhood
Selfhood and social distance: Toward a cultural understanding of psychiatric stigma in Egypt
Full-body illusions and minimal phenomenal selfhood
Selfhood and Identity in Confucianism, Taoism, Buddhism, and Hinduism: Contrasts With the West
Ethnographic reflections on selfhood, embodiment and Alzheimer's disease
Escaping the Self: Alcoholism, Spirituality, Masochism, and Other Flights from the Burden of Selfhood