- He was a patriarchal Semitic nomad.
他是族长制闪米特游牧部落的一员。 - The Semitic peoples followed close upon these pioneers.
Formal Problems in Semitic Phonology and Morphology
Persecution Perpetuated: The Medieval Origins of Anti-Semitic Violence in Nazi Germany*
Consistent long-range linkage disequilibrium generated by admixture in a Bantu-Semitic hybrid population
Parametric Syntax: Case Studies in Semitic and Romance Languages
The Phonetics and Phonology of Semitic Pharyngeals
Agency and Voice: The Semantics of the Semitic Templates
The Patterning of Root Morphemes in Semitic
The form of Semitic noun phrases
תדמית היהודי בתעמולה האנטישמית של המשטר הפש...
Edit doron/agency and voice: The semantics of the semitic templates