- Persistent bacteremia often leads to severe sepsis or overwhelming septic shock.
持续性的菌血症经常导致严重的败血症,甚至恶化为败血性休克。 - During the hospitalization, recurrent sepsis and candidiasis occurred.
Definitions for Sepsis and Organ Failure and Guidelines for the Use of Innovative Therapies in Sepsis
Efficacy and Safety of Recombinant Human Activated Protein C for Severe Sepsis
Comment on "Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock: 2008"by Dellinger...
Definitions for sepsis and organ failure and guidelines for the use of innovative therapies in sepsis. The ACCP/SCCM Consensus Confe...
Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock: 2008.[Erratum appears in Inten...
Definition for sepsis and organ failure and guidelines for the use of innovative therapies in sepsis ACCP/SCCM Consensus Conference ...
Surviving Sepsis Campaign-Guidelines Committee including the Pediatric Subgroup. Surviving sepsis campaign: International guidelines...
American College of Chest Physicians/Society of Critical Care Medicine Consensus Conference: definitions for sepsis and organ failur...
American college of chest physician/society of critical care consensus conference : Definitions for sepsis and organ failure and gui...
Bone RC, Balk RA, Cerra FB, et al: Definitions for sepsis and organ failure and guidelines for the use of innovative therapies in se...