- The scene shifted to a sepulchre.
镜头转换到一座坟墓。 - He thought himself in a sepulchre.
The edicule in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. Martin Biddle, THE TOMB OF CHRIST (Sutton Publishing Ltd., Stroud, Glos...Architecture as Relic and the Construction of Sanctity: The Stones of the Holy SepulchreThe construction and management of sacred time and space: Sabta Nur in the Church of the Holy SepulchreAuriesville Benediction at Sepulchre & RavineThe Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem (The Schweich Lectures, 1972). By Charles coüasnon O.P., ...Constructive Nonlinear ControlOptimization Algorithms on Matrix Manifolds:First-Order GeometryChapter One. Introduction : Optimization Algorithms on Matrix ManifoldsCollective Motion, Sensor Networks, and Ocean SamplingBrief paper: Synchronization in networks of identical linear systems