- Established in 1940, it contains giant sequoia trees.
1940年建立,园内有巨大的红杉树林。 - What is the purpose of the giant sequoia tree?
The SEQUOIA 2000 storage benchmark
Sequoia: Programming the Memory Hierarchy
Vegetation change in Sequoia National Park
Vegetation changes in Sequoia National Park, California.
Sequoia: A Fault-Tolerant Tightly Coupled Multiprocessor for Transaction Processing
Sequoia: A Fault-Tolerant Tightly Coupled Multiprocessor for Transaction Processing
Coarse woody debris in mixed-conifer forests, Sequoia National Park, California
Black Bear Activity Patterns and Human Induced Modifications in Sequoia National Park
Isolation of Remaining Populations of the Native Frog, Rana muscosa , by Introduced Fishes in Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Park...
Climatic control of vegetation distribution: the role of the water balance with examples from North America and Sequoia National Par...