serosityRESEARCH ON THE SEROSITY DURING INJECTING CLAY GROUTS INTO THE OVERLYING ROCK STRATAPreparation process of light calcium carbonate serosityBlack Positive Serosity BPS Containing Drilling/Completion Fluids: Performance Properties and UsesEffect of the preparation parameters of chestnut serosity on sensory qualityThe Effect of Applying Biology Silicon Fertilizer on Albic Rice Soil of Serosity RiceMANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY OF IRRADIATION DENATURALIZED STARCH AND ITS SEROSITY PERFORMANCEDirect diagnosis of Leishmania species on serosity materials punctured from cutaneous leishmaniasis patients using PCR-RFLPThe confirmation of disposal-parameters of bolting and serosity-parameter of injection-grouting of bolting-grouting reinforcement in...Study on the Optimization of Liquefaction Condition in the High Maltose Serosity Producing Technology from Corn Starch by Quadri-uni...