- He was made to do servile tasks.
The servile state
Il lavoro servile e le nuove schiavitù
The Servile Mind : How Democracy Erodes the Moral Life / K. Minogue
We Will No Longer Be Servile: Aprismo in 1930s Ayacucho
Turning Servile Opportunities to Gold: A Strategic Analysis of the Corporate Opportunities Doctrine
Social Misfits: Veterans and Soldiers' Families in Servile Russia
Servile Sentinels of the City: Private Security Guards, Organized Informality, and Labour in Interactive Services in Globalized India
Malagasy at the Mascarenes: Publishing in a Servile Vernacular before the French Revolution
Inboekselings and Oorlams: The creation and transformation of a servile class
Stigmates sociaux et discriminations religieuses : l'ancienne classe servile au Fuuta Jaloo