setoseSome setose Hyphomycetes of leaf litter in south IndiaSpecies of Lycoperdon with a setose exoperidiumTrinominal terminology for cephalic setose warts in Trichoptera (Insecta)Geastrum setiferum (Gasteromycetes): a new species with a setose endoperidium.Three genera with eyes setose of Braconinae (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) in China, with the description of one new speciesThree new species of Dictyochaeta with non-setose conidiophores and non-septate setulate conidia from MalaysiaExternal Anatomy of the Female Genital (Eighth) Limbs and the Setose Openings in Myodocopid Ostracodes (Cypridinidae)Contributions towards a monograph of Phoma (Coelomycetes) VIII section Paraphoma: Taxa with setose pycnidiaUnderwater attachment in current: the role of setose attachment structures on the gills of the mayfly larvae Epeorus assimilis (Ephe...