- All we could afford was this shack, which we built ourselves, with our own hands and without any help from anyone.
我们所能承担的只有这个棚房,在没有其他人帮助下用手自己建造的。 - The shack seemed almost ready to collapse.
那小屋子好像是快要倒塌了。 - The boy makes a shack out of the old board in the backyard.
- She was going to shack up in a hotel for a couple of days.
她准备去旅馆暂住几天。 - He was looking for a dame to shack up with when the police picked him up.
Principles of Hartmann-Shack aberrometry.
Clinical applications of Shack-Hartmann aberrometer
Validation of a clinical Shack-Hartmann aberrometer.
Clinical applications of the Shack-Hartmann aberrometer
Wave-front reconstruction using a Shack-Hartmann sensor
Analysis of the performance of the Hartmann-Shack sensor in the human eye
Wavefront aberrations measured with Hartmann-Shack sensor in patients with keratoconus
Comparison of the retinal image quality with a Hartmann-Shack wavefront sensor and a double-pass instrument.
Objective measurement of wave aberrations of the human eye with the use of a Hartmann-Shack wave-front sensor.
Comparing laser ray tracing, the spatially resolved refractometer, and the Hartmann-Shack sensor to measure the ocular wave aberrati...