- It's easier to be a Bernard Shaw to the British or American public than it is to be a Bernard Shaw to your own family.
对着英、美的一般大众当萧伯纳(挖苦人家), 总比对着自己的家人当萧伯纳来得容易。 - Like Bernard Shaw, he has tickled his readers' funny bone with a cultural hotfoot.
他和萧伯纳一样,以文化觉醒来撩拨读者的兴趣。 - Shaw was an artist with a difference.
萧是个与众不同的艺术家啊。 - George Bernard Shaw was well-known by his initials GBS.
Software architecture: perspectives on an emerging discipline
Elements of a theory of human problem solving
Global estimates of the prevalence of diabetes for 2010 and 2030.
The metabolic syndrome--a new worldwide definition.
IDF diabetes atlas: global estimates of the prevalence of diabetes for 2011 and 2030.
Hematopoietic marrow regeneration in pediatric patients undergoing spinal irradiation: MR depiction.
Global and societal implications of the diabetes epidemic.
ScienceDirect - Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice : Global estimates of the prevalence of diabetes for 2010 and 2030
Group IDFETFC: The metabolic syndrome–a new worldwide definition