bare of vt. 几乎没有,缺乏
lay bare揭发,暴露;公开
bare feet赤脚;光脚;光着脚
bare land裸地;白地
bare metal裸金属
bare minimum绝对最小值
go bare [美国口语] , ◎(开业医生、厂商等)不参加责任(或渎职)保险 , ◎(在不保产品责任险或渎职险等情况下)赤手空拳地从业
bare rock明礁,裸礁石;裸岩
bare tube光管;露天管路;裸管
- The dog bared its teeth.
狗露出了牙齿。 - Bared their heads; baring secrets.
露出他们的脑袋; 泄露秘密
Baring It All to Software: Raw Machines
Baring it all to Software: The Raw Machine
Baring of the circumlinear vessel. An early sign of optic nerve damage
Baring High-Albedo Soils by Overgrazing: A Hypothesized Desertification Mechanism
Baring the body in the bedroom: body image sexual self-schemas and sexual functioning among college women and men.
Radiocarbon determination of atmospheric methane at Baring Head, New Zealand
Studies on the biological control of schistosome-baring snails; predators and parasites of fresh-water mollusca: a review of the lit...
Deep lamellar keratoplasty: surgical techniques for anterior lamellar keratoplasty with and without baring of Descemet's membrane.
Investigations of the epidemiology of leishmaniases in KenyaâII: The breeding sites of phlebotomine sandflies in Marigat, Barin...
Deep lamellar keratoplasty: surgical techniques for anterior lamellar keratoplasty with and without baring of Descemet’s membrane...