- He has had a hand in the drafting of the proposal.
他参与了提议的起草。 - At present, the drafting of a labor law is under way.
目前,正在加紧进行劳动法的起草工作。 - The drafting of the new constitution will be a dreadful business.
Drafting behind Akamai (travelocity-based detouring)
Drafting behind Akamai (travelocity-based detouring).
A Distributed Drafting Algorithm for Load Balancing
A Distributed Drafting Algorithm for Load Balancing
Check indicator for computer-aided drafting (CAD)
Drafting a Conservation Blueprint – a practitioner’s guide to planning for biodiversity
The Universal Declaration of Human Rights:Origins, Drafting, and Intent
Basic Considerations in the Drafting of Regulations on the Openness of Government Information (An Expert Recommended Draft)
Glazer and FitzGibbon on Legal Opinions: Drafting, Interpreting and Supporting Closing Opinions in Business Transactions
The Formation of Buyer-Supplier Relationships: Detailed Contract Drafting and Close Partner Selection