sheepman's production handbookMurakami and the sheepman /Idaho sheepman defends Predator ProgramBeltran: Basque Sheepman of the American WestBeltran, Basque sheepman of the American West.Sheepman of Cavite [Philippines] is an airline pilot [Capt. Oscar L. Barzaga]"The sheepman and the cowman should be friends"psychiatrists & psychologistsParis, B. as told to W. Douglass. Beltran: Basque sheepman of the American West. 1979.He came to Bridgevitte in 1875 John Brown's Son Once an Important SheepmanSHEPHERDED BY SINNERS AND SAINTS ALIKE: A Tale of Mormons, Outlaws, and Sheepman in Northern Arizona