- She wore an evening gown of shimmering gold at the party.
她在晚会上穿了一身金光闪烁的晚礼服。 - I would wait until the moment was so right and shimmering that Sol would have to come back.
Shimmering lexical sets
Shimmering Smartwatches: Exploring the Smartwatch Design Space
Visual Simulation Of Heat Shimmering And Mirage
Shear Waves, Sound Waves On A Shimmering Horizon
Very slowly animating textiles: shimmering flower
Stunning, Shimmering, Iridescent: Toys as the Representation of Gendered Social Actors
Visual simulation of heat shimmering and mirage. IEEE Trans Vis Comput Graph
Can You Anchor a Shimmering Nation State via Regional Indigenous Roots? Kim Scott talks to Anne Brewster about That Deadman Dance
How to Join a Wave: Decision-Making Processes in Shimmering Behavior of Giant Honeybees (Apis dorsata)
Cosmetic Preparations for the Generation of a Cosmetic Covering with a Metallic and Multi-Coloured Shimmering Appearance and Artific...