- I can wear a red tie with a pink shire if I want to. What of it?
我愿意的话,我可以扎红色领带,穿粉红色衬衫,那又有什么不行呢? - The tory party is very strong in the shire.
SR141716A, a potent and selective antagonist of the brain cannabinoid receptor
Expression of Central and Peripheral Cannabinoid Receptors in Human Immune Tissues and Leukocyte Subpopulations
Tenofovir therapy for lamivudine resistance following liver transplantation.
Protein formulation
An amino-terminal variant of the central cannabinoid receptor resulting from alternative splicing.
The development of stable protein formulations: a close look at protein aggregation, deamidation, and oxidation.
Challenges in the development of high protein concentration formulations.
Perceptual efficacy of electrical stimulation of human retina with a microelectrode array during short-term surgical trials.
The related cytokines interleukin-13 and interleukin-4 are distinguished by differential production and differential effects on T ly...
Methods and perceptual thresholds for short-term electrical stimulation of human retina with microelectrode arrays