Raman barometry of diamond formationLuminescent barometry in wind tunnelsGarnet–orthopyroxene barometry for granulites and peridotitesGeothermometry and Oxygen Barometry Using Coexisting Iron-Titanium Oxides: A ReappraisalReinvestigation and application of olivine-quartz-orthopyroxene barometryThe Reaction Titanite+Kyanite=Anorthite+Rutile and Titanite-Rutile Barometry in EclogitesGarnet-orthopyroxene-plagioclase-quartz barometry: refinement and application to the English River subprovince and the Minnesota Riv...Cr-Saturation Arrays in Concentrate Garnet Compositions from Kimberlite and their Use in Mantle BarometryVanadium K edge XANES of synthetic and natural basaltic glasses and application to microscale oxygen barometryRegional tilt of the Mount Stuart batholith, Washington, determined using aluminum-in-hornblende barometry: Implications for northwa...