paper shredder碎纸机,废纸撕碎机;粒状碎纸机
ShreddersShreddersShreddersDesktop shreddersShredders and Riparian VegetationFood webs in tropical Australian streams: shredders are not scarceDetritus processing by invertebrate shredders: a neotropical–temperate comparisonSelective feeding by shredders on leaf-colonizing stream fungi: comparison of macroinvertebrate taxaLeaf Barriers to Fungal Colonization and Shredders ( Tipula lateralis ) Consumption of Decomposing Eucalyptus globulusFood quality, feeding preferences, survival and growth of shredders from temperate and tropical streamsThe Significance of the Crayfish Paranephrops Zealandicus as Shredders in a New Zealand Headwater StreamGrazers, shredders and filtering carnivores--the evolution of feeding ecology in Drusinae (Trichoptera: Limnephilidae): insights fro...Detritivores in Kenyan highland streams: more evidence for the paucity of shredders in the tropics?