baroreceptor reflex压力感受性反射,压力感受拼射
Systemic arterial baroreceptor reflexes.Baroreceptor reflex control of heart rate: A predictor of sudden deathParoxysmal hypertension due to sinoaortic baroreceptor denervation in humans.Prostaglandins in the beta-adrenergic and baroreceptor-mediated secretion of reninCarotid Baroreceptor Stimulation, Sympathetic Activity, Baroreflex Function, and Blood Pressure in Hypertensive PatientsEvaluation of the baroreceptor-heart rate reflex by 24-hour intra-arterial blood pressure monitoring in humans.Evidence for L-Glutamate as the Neurotransmitter of Baroreceptor Afferent Nerve FibersInteractions between ANG II, sympathetic nervous system, and baroreceptor reflexes in regulation of blood pressure.Autonomic mechanisms and sudden death. New insights from analysis of baroreceptor reflexes in conscious dogs with and without a myoc...Control of heart rate by the autonomic nervous system. Studies in man on the interrelation between baroreceptor mechanisms and exerc...