- He had a tendency to shrink up whenever attention was focused on him.
当别人注意他时,他就会退缩一旁。 - The sweater had shrunk after repeated washing(s).
Hardware Efficient Reciprocal Using Second Order Harmonized Parabolic Synthesis and Squaring Shrunk Method
Avoiding Improper Modeling in SBAS Ionospheric Correction with Shrunk Observations
A Novel Support Vector Classification Algorithm Based on Shrunk Hyperplane
Honey, I shrunk the XQuery!: an XML algebra optimization approach
Honey, I shrunk the XQuery!: an XML algebra optimization approach
Resist pattern for alignment measurement
Modeling relationships at multiple scales to improve accuracy of large recommender systems
Volume regulation by Amphiuma red blood cells. The membrane potential and its implications regarding the nature of the ion-flux path...
Branes and Toric Geometry
Growth, nutrient utilization, and body composition of dairy calves fed milk replacers containing different amounts of protein