Automated imaging with ScanLag reveals previously undetectable bacterial growth phenotypesLifetime and coherence of two-level defects in a Josephson junction.Direct Wigner tomography of a superconducting anharmonic oscillator.Shaping Laguerre–Gaussian laser modes with binary gratings using a digital micromirror deviceControllable motion of optical vortex arrays using electromagnetically induced transparency.Prediction of New Fingerprints of Ordering in GaInP2 AlloysRapidly reconfigurable optically induced photonic crystals in hot rubidium vaporUsing the self-filtering property of a femtosecond filament to improve second harmonic generation.Heralded generation of Bell states using atomic ensemblesSCHEDULING METHOD IN MULTIPROCESSOR APPARATUS AND METHOD OF ASSIGNING PRIORITIES TO TASKS USING PSEUDO-DEADLINES IN MULTIPROCESSOR A...