- A small drum with two heads and a snare stretched across the lower head.
Side DrumSide DrumA photometric analysis of tablet movement in a side-vented perforated drum (Accela-Cota).Method for adjusting a side of a strip of flexible material to a reference side and apparatus for feeding a belt strip on a rotating...Material carryover and process efficiency during tablet film coating in a side‐vented perforated drum (Accela‐Cota)DRUM-SIDE TREATED METAL FOIL AND LAMINATE FOR USE IN PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS AND METHODS OF MANUFACTUREDrum Side Treated Foil: Advanced Copper Foil Technology for Multilayer Printed Circuit Board ApplicationsImprovement of Side Seals of Cutting Drum in Tobacco CutterCombination side-drum holderDrum unit having side seals and image-forming apparatus including the same