- I'll get a horse of hardy race and serve in my old father's place.
Side horse training deviceSutured end-to-end and stapled side-to-side jejunal anastomoses in the horse.Fluphenazine-induced extrapyramidal side effects in a horseUse of a Qualitative Horse-Side Test to Measure SerumAmyloid A in Mares With Experimentally InducedAscending PlacentitisHandsewn Semiclosed Single‐Layer Jejunocecal Side‐To‐Side Anastomosis in the HorseMolar asymmetry shows chewing-side preferences in horseC10 An Analysis of the Motion in a Side Horse ExerciseC10 An Analysis of the Motion in a Side Horse ExerciseDescription and in vitro evaluation of new surgical techniques to perform side-to-side anastomosis in the horse. Part I: Side-to-sid...179. Incidence and possible prevention of allergic side reactions due to horse antihuman lymphocyte globulin (ALG) therapy