WebSifter: An Ontology-Based Personalizable Search Agent for the Web
Knowledge Sifter: Ontology-Driven Search over Heterogeneous Databases
Knowledge Sifter:Ontology-Driven Search over Heterogeneous Databases (PDF)
WebSifter II: A Personalizable Meta-Search Agent Based on Weighted Semantic Taxonomy Tree.
VarSifter: Visualizing and analyzing exome-scale sequence variation data on a desktop computer
Microfabricated magnetic sifter for high-throughput and high-gradient magnetic separation
Application of Cantilever Screen Vibration Sifter in Raw Material Yard of Benxi Steel
Performance of PELDOR, RIDME, SIFTER, and DQC in measuring distances in trityl based bi- and triradicals: exchange coupling, pseudos...