Using of SILD technology for surface modification of SnO2 films for gas sensor applications
Herring (sild), killer whales (spekkhogger) and sonar – the 3S-2006 cruise report with preliminary results
Gas sensor application of Ag nanoclusters synthesized by SILD method
Successive ionic layer deposition (SILD) as a new sensor technology: synthesis and modification of metal oxides
Structural and gas response characterization of nano-size SnO 2 films deposited by SILD method
Ozone sensors based on SnO 2 films modified by SnO 2 –Au nanocomposites synthesized by the SILD method
Structural characterization and phase transformations in metal oxide lms synthesized by Successive Ionic Layer Deposition (SILD) met...
Structural and gas response characterization of nano-size SnO2 films deposited by SILD method. G. Korotcenkov, V. Macsanov, V. Tolst...
Evaluation and therapeutic regulation of erectile dysfunction with visual stimulation test. An objective approach by using sildenafi...
Structural and gas response characterization of nano-size SnO2 films deposited by SILD method. G. Korotcenkov, V. Macsanov, V. Tolst...