Identification of Structural and Spatial Features that Influence Storm-Related Dune Erosion along a Barrier-Island Ecosystem in the ...Barrier island morphology as a function of tidal and wave regimeStopover on a Gulf Coast Barrier Island by Spring Trans-Gulf MigrantsFine root production along a chronosequence of barrier island communitiesThe Influence of Complex Systems Interactions on Barrier Island Dune Vegetation Pattern and ProcessTicks (Acari: Ixodidae) and spirochetes (spirochaetaceae: spirochaetales) recovered from birds on a Georgia Barrier Island.Barrier-island genesis: evidence from the central atlantic shelf, eastern U.S.ABarrier Island FormationDynamics and processes of barrier-island vegetationPhotosynthetic responses of eelgrass ( Zostera marina L.) to light and sediment sulfide in a shallow barrier island lagoon ☆