singing contest歌唱比赛
singing voice歌喉;歌声
group singing小组唱
singing group歌唱组
antiphonal singing对唱;轮唱
- Her singing was perfection.
她的歌唱得已是炉火纯青。 - Her singing delighted everyone.
她的歌声使大家很愉快。 - We heard the high-spirited singing.
Singing and cryptic speciation insects
Overt and imagined singing of an Italian aria
Separation of Singing Voice From Music Accompaniment for Monaural Recordings
Interactions between singing Hawaiian humpback whales and conspecifics nearby
Shared and distinct neural correlates of singing and speaking.
Singing Mice, Songbirds, and More: Models for FOXP2 Function and Dysfunction in Human Speech and Language
Social context modulates singing-related neural activity in the songbird forebrain
Dynamic Characteristics of Voice Fundamental Frequency in Speech and Singing
Estimating Territory and Home-Range Sizes: Do Singing Locations Alone Provide an Accurate Estimate of Space Use?
Experience-dependent neural substrates involved in vocal pitch regulation during singing