- I felt that I'm a unpardonable sinner.
我觉得自己是个十恶不赦的罪人。 - The church is always willing to welcome repentant sinners back to the fold.
教会总是乐意欢迎忏悔的罪人回到信徒的行列中来。 - He has long been regarded as a sinner.
The smooth muscle cell: sinner or saint in restenosis and the acute coronary syndromes?
Impact of glucose in peritoneal dialysis: saint or sinner?
Albumin: saint or sinner?
Immune complex formation in IgA nephropathy: CD89 a |[lsquo]|saint|[rsquo]| or a |[lsquo]|sinner|[rsquo]||[quest]|
Vaccination against tuberculosis: Is BCG more sinned against than sinner?
Hate the Sin/Love the Sinner, or Love the Hater? Intrinsic Religion and Responses to Partner Abuse
The Righteous Sinner
Neither saint nor sinner, Broussard Mayor Charlie Langlinais is seeking reelection amid accusations he uses his political office ...
Football: McKenna's Finn the Pink and out to Be a Harps Saviour for Harps; BRIAN HOPES TO BE A SINNER NOT A SAINT
Common variants in KCNN3 are associated with lone atrial fibrillation