- This news made us all sit up and take notice.
这消息立即引起我们大家的注意。 - He is used to sitting up late.
他习惯熬夜。 - Some people prefer sitting up to going to bed early.
有些人宁可熬夜,而不早睡。 - It is a bad habit to sit up late at night.
Dumbbell adapted to be held behind user's head while performing sit-upsThe difficulty of sit-ups tests: an empirical investigationMuscle Activity During Sit-Ups Using Abdominal Exercise DevicesNeurologic complications of sit-ups associated with the valsalva maneuver: 2 case reportsRelationship of push-ups and sit-ups tests to selected anthropometric variables and performance results: a multiple regression studyExercise device for use in the performance of sit-upsApparatus to aid in performing sit-upsRectus abdominis rhabdomyolysis after sit ups: unexpected detection by bone scan.Sit-ups, other exercises may injure older patients with osteoporosisRelationships between Sit-Ups and Abdominal Flexion Strength Tests and the Thickness of Each Abdominal Muscle