윗몸일으키기 검사 (Sit-up) 의 동등화와 검사차별기능 검증
요통과 Sit-up 변인들의 상관에 관한 연구
Biodynamic apparatus for performing correct SIT-UP and LEGS-UP exercises and methods
Low-back pain in pregnancy. Abdominal muscles, sit-up performance, and back pain
Biomechanics of sit-up exercises.
Effects of sit-up training versus core stabilization exercises on sit-up performance.
Relations of sit-up and sit-and-reach tests to low back pain in adults
The sit-up: complex kinematics and muscle activity in voluntary axial movement
Application of the Sit-Up Test for orthostatic hypotension in individuals with stroke
Electromyographic study of duration of muscle activity in sit-up variations