- Volatile markets can mask all kinds of skulduggery.
波动的市场可掩盖各种欺诈行为。 - Skulduggery of this kind is not exactly new in Turkey.
SkulduggerySkulduggerySkulduggeryMortal coilThailand: Abbott Makes New Offer of $1000 Per Person for HIV/AIDS DrugHenry Goddard and the Kallikak family photographs. "Conscious skulduggery"or "Whig history"?THE EFFECT OF SKULDUGGERY IN FUEL OF DIESEL ENGINES ON THE PERFORMANCE OF I. C. ENGINETHE SUPPRESSION OF THE AUTOMOBILE: SKULDUGGERY AT THE CROSSROADSStolen World: A Tale of Reptiles, Smugglers, and SkulduggeryAutoplagiarism, citation rating, and skulduggeryChinkapin oak: satisfaction for the homeowner, skulduggery for the botanist.Skulduggery: The mystery of ned Kelly's SkullSkulduggery: The Mystery of Ned Kelly's Skull