- Armed with facts and figures, he had little difficulty in talking the slanderer down.
Epigram On A Slanderer
104 The Slanderer ۞ Al-Humaza
Pauper, Brawler and Slanderer
Woe unto every slanderer, defamer...
At the slanderer's tomb, keep the footwear handy
The Priest, the Slanderer, the Historian and the Feminist
Word from the Street; Woe Unto Every Slanderer, Defamer...
"I Am, My Dear Slanderer, Your Faithful Malignant Demon": Harriet Martineau and the Westminster Review's Comtist Coterie
The Inquisition face to madness in Spain in the XVI and XVII centuries (& II): Slanderer exclusion
Response: one confusion after another: “Slander” in Amos Tutuola’s Pauper, Brawler and Slanderer (1987)